Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Digital Assistant Professional (1z0-1071-24) Free Questions - Part 4
Question No : 46) Examine the code snippet below:

Which two statement are true regarding the functionality of a composite bag referenced by the variable pizza?
A. Any individual entity item can define its own maxPrompts to override the value in the dialogflow.
B. The first time an incorrect value for an entity item is resolved, it will result in an error and transition to the state called maxError because cancelPolicy is set to immediate and this overrides the setting for maxPrompts.
C. Each entity item in the composite bag will be prompted for a valid value three times. After the last invalid input, the flow will navigate to a state called setPizzaDough.
D. Each entity item in the composite bag will be prompted for a valid value three times. After the last invalid input, the flow will navigate to a state called maxError.
Question No : 47) Select the FALSE statement regarding confidence levels when routing within a digital assistant.
A. A confidence threshold is a value that's compared to the confidence level by the system, intent component to define the next action.
B. Confidence level is the intent engine's score for utterance classification.
C. All skills within a digital assistant must have the same confidence threshold.
D. If other intents that exceed the confidence threshold have scores that are within that of the top intent by less than the win margin, these intents are also presented to the user.
Question No : 48) Which statement about digital assistants is FALSE?
A. A digital assistant can be used to manage a set of skills, including skills that you create yourself and skills that you have added from the Skill
B. A digital assistant ensures that a user completes a conversation in one skill before allowing that user to trigger the intent of a different skill
C. A digital assistant can communicate with customers through different messaging platforms.
D. A connection to a back-end service is through a custom component that is used by a skill, rather than one that is used by a digital assistant.
Question No : 49) Which two statements are true the purpose of the compose bag entity item Out of Order Extraction property?
A. It should not be used for String entity items.
B. When set to True,an entity item value can be updated when prompting for a different entity item value.
C. Only set to True, an entity item value can be updated when prompting for a different entity item value.
D. Only when set to true can entity values be specific in anyorder in the initial user input.
E. When set to True, an entity item cannot be resolve until a dependent entity item is first resolved.
Question No : 50) Which two statements about using the OAuth2 client credential grant type in Oracle Digital Assistant are correct?
A. The OAuth2 client credential grant type does not require a bot user to authenticate and instead uses a shared clientld and secret.
B. The user must be logged in to an identity service provider using his or her username and password to obtain a client credential access token
C. You use the Oracle Digital Assistant Authentication Service with the system. 0Auth2client component to obtain aclient credential access token.
D. The client credential grant type requires the system.OAuth2AccountLink component to obtain a token that propagates a user's identity between distributed systems.
E. The OAuth2 client credential grant type uses thesystem. Webview built-in component to perform social media login.
Question No : 51) Which statement is true regarding the digital assistant's Help system intent?
A. You can define utterances that the digital assistant willrecognize when the user is asking for help.
B. The help intent cannot route the conversation to a specific state within a skill.
C. The utterances for the help intent are predefined and cannot be changed.
D. If the digital assistant recognizes the user is asking for help, it will automatically route the conversation to a skill called "Help".
Question No : 52) want to save some user input, such as the type of pizzaa particular user last ordered, so that it's available the next time that user starts a conversation. Which type of variable should you use to persist values across multiple invocations of the conversation?
A. skill variables
B. user variables
C. context variables
D. profile variables
Question No : 53) Consider this code snippet:

Which two statements about this code are true?
A. Thesystem.webviewcomponent acts a gateway to a web app by naming the Web view service, i.e., DisputeFormService, in the code snippet.
B. If the web app returns any values, the System.webviewcomponent will store the min the output from web variable.
C. This codesnippet supports only one variable as a return value from the web application. When there are multiple return values, they need to be comma separated. Forexample: variable: "outputfromwebl,outputfromweb2M
D. The web app returns two values and will store the min the full name and amount variables, respectively.
Question No : 54) Which statement is true regarding the default implementation of out-of-order messages?
A. Navigation remains in the current state.
B. All variables referenced by the out-of-order-message action are cleared.
C. There is nodefault implementation for out-of-order messages.
D. In the default implementation, when an out-of-order message is detected the navigation continues with the state name associated with the out-of-order message action.
Question No : 55) Which two statements describe what happens when a System.DetectLanguages component is used in a dialog flow?
A. The system.DetectLanguage component sets the profile.languageTag variable to the language code of the detected user language.
B. The system. DetectLanguage component sets the autoTranslate variable to the language code of the detected user language.
C. A system.DetectLanguage component state causes an exception if no translation service is configured for a skill.
D. The system.DetectLanguage component sets the profile.locale variable to the language code of the detected user language.
E. The system.DetectLanguage component does not detect English because it is the default language.
Question No : 56) What is the output of this code?

A. "Leaving loop at 3"
B. "Leaving loop at 4"
C. "Leaving loop at 0"
D. "Your session appears to be in infinite loop. Please_try again later''
Question No : 57) Which three statements are FALSE regarding entity resolution using a composite bag?
A. You can definemultiple prompts for each entity item in the composite bag.
B. The composite bag will automatically resolve any entity values found in the initial user input.
C. When a user inputs entity values, they can only be resolved in the order in which they are defined within the composite bag.
D. Each entity item in the composite bag can have only one value.
E. Every entity item in the composite bag must be prompted for and have a value entered.
F. You can define validation code using Apache Freemarker for entity item values.
Question No : 58) Which three options are true for this dialog flow code?

A. The code is poorly programmed because the accountType variable will be set twice.
B. The system.List component always displays a list of options, regardless of the value of accountType.
C. If System.SetVariablesets accountType to a value, the System.List component does not display a list of options.
D. Usage of empty transitions is a bad practice because it can lead to unexpected results.
E. If no accountType value is set in the startBalances state, the DialogEngine moves to the next state, askBalancesAccountType, which lists options for different account types.
Question No : 59) When testing your skill, you notice that two of its intents consistently rank as the top two, resolving within just a few points of each other. Given the unpredictable nature of which intent gets the top score, what would you do to allow the skill user to choose the correct intent?
A. Change the Confidence Win Margin so that both intents are offered to the user.
B. Change the Confidence Threshold during your testing until the correct intent always wins.
C. For each intent, create an entity of phrases that are distinct to each intent, and add the appropriate entity to the corresponding intent.
D. Keep adding training data until you get a predictable result every time.
E. Change the Explicit Invocation Threshold to zero to ensure that the correct intent is picked up when the user mentions the name of the intent.
Question No : 60) As per Oracle's recommendation,which is the best practice regarding conversational design?
A. Ask users open-ended questions such as "how can I help you?"
B. To account for possible mistakes, make it clear to users that the bot is still learning.
C. Use quick reply buttons (as opposed to natural language inputs) as much as possible.
D. Ensure that capabilities of the bot f the things that it can and can't do") are clear and discoverable.
1z0-1071-24 Answers